Monday, February 14, 2011

my last blog

We are half way through the course and we sure learned alot. I couldn't believe all the things in the review class. We did websites, wikis, blogs, conferencing, podcasting, and reviewed old technology.

I think everyone appreciated Colby, Danny, and Kelly's video presentation. I thought they used a multiple of different technologies such as: video, overhead, chalkboard, white board, role playing and music. It was refreshing, honest, and entertaining. It is so accurate to life as well. When Colby is saying that Kelly is so excited, but boy was he bad: it shows how different people can read things differently. Also when Colby was trying to explain to the guys what was going on in his head the guys didn't get it. This shows how communication can get lost through translating processes. It also showed that Colby didn't do any followup question to make sure the guys were on the same page as he was. Often people feel they did a good job explaining things, but the audience may be assimilating the information differently and going off on to a totally different tangent. Unless the speaker clarifies with the audience that their own meaning has gotten across, the speaker cannot assume people understand the point he is making.

In psychology we took that different experiences and lessons make up how a person thinks. Colby looked up all the information on Bach but Kelly and Danny obviously had no clue where he was in the learning continuum. So what seemed perfectly clear in Colby's head didn't translate clearly to the other guys. This is where using different technical styles to get your point across would help the audience. Using powerpoint, slides, schemas, and diagrams to explain how each step relates to each other helps different learners to pick up on different schemas. The guys did a great job in introducing different teaching methods for different learners. They used different technology to captivate their audience as well.

Great Job guys.

They did relate things well through the video.

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